424.IAM.FREE (424.426.3733) unbound@5keystofreedom.com

I’m really excited to invite you to click on Creator’s Daily Blessing to see my new video
blessing, which I made especially for those who love CREATIVITY + SPIRITUALITY.


One of the quilts in the Creator’s Daily Blessing video, “Dualism “Deconstructed” was in Sacred Threads, in the Spirituality category.

October 23rd, my Heart-to-Heart talk with Vikki Pignatelli, founder of Sacred Threads, will begin airing. Join us for great stories and great tips on nurturing your creativity, from a quilt teacher, lecturer, author, and fine artist turned textile artist who’s won First Place at the International Quilt Festival in Houston for a large art quilt!

You can register here to see the free 38-minute webinar. It will be available every 4 hours for 6 days, starting Thursday.  Vikki mentions some articles in her talk. They are:

  • The Quilter Magazine: Feb/March 2013 issue, “The Folly of Perfectionism”
  • Quilters Newsletter Magazine: April/May 2013 issue, “Emotions, Healing and Creativity”
  • Quilt Life: August 2014, “No More Creative Roadblocks” (on flexibility)