424.IAM.FREE (424.426.3733) unbound@5keystofreedom.com

Who is UNBOUND for? It’s for you!

It’s for everyone who wants more!

Some people encounter Jesus for the first time as he sets them free, though our local ministry appointments are offered to those who already believe in Jesus. Some people, when they’re released from blocks to healing, begin a journey of freedom they never believed was possible. Some people find new energy to pursue their passion and find their mission. Many feel lighter and freer to be their authentic selves.

So Unbound is for ALL, whether new to the faith, cradle Catholics, non-Catholic Christians, young, old, men, women, seriously stuck, or just feeling cramped or depressed.

UNBOUND Ministry is embraced within the Catholic Church but is equally available and effective for Christians of any denomination because it is a Biblically-based listening, loving, prayer ministry open to the healing, deliverance, power, and guidance of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. One of our team members has experienced freedom in Christ through both a Protestant-based deliverance ministry and through UNBOUND. For Catholics, it’s not a replacement for sacramental Reconciliation and Penance; it generally deepens subsequent confessions as it helps recipients break through previously repeated harmful patterns of behavior or thinking.

The ministry focuses on the person being served and what Jesus offers; it’s about winning the spiritual battle, but it doesn’t focus on demons. It’s not exorcism, which is a rite reserved for rare cases handled by an exorcist-priest with the approval of the local bishop. The UNBOUND model doesn’t confront demons who have possessed people; rather, it helps believers to forgive, resist temptations, renounce lies and unclean spirits, and be set free to live life to the fulfill, enjoying their true identity in Christ. It identifies patterns, influences, schemes, lies, and tactics of the forces of darkness, and gives the prayer recipient awareness and tools to hold onto their freedom.

The prayer team doesn’t “do” the deliverance; it happens in the name of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit and the preparation and participation of the person coming for prayer.

We all have someone to forgive. We’re all sinners with areas of weakness that repeatedly affect us. Therefore, we can ALL benefit from UNBOUND prayer. At the end of the session, you’ll be taught how to use the 5 Keys on your own as often as you like, even daily, to keep your freedom in Christ.